Ruohan Xiong
Ruohan is a security researcher at Lookout whose work focuses on reverse engineering mobile malware and building threat detections. Prior to Lookout he worked with Citizen Lab, where his research focus was on censorship and information controls on social media platforms. Ruohan has also worked as a threat intelligence analyst at a telecommunications company. Ruohan graduated from the University of Toronto with a bachelor's degree in electrical and computer engineering.
My Articles
BadBazaar: iOS and Android Surveillanceware by China’s APT15 Used to Target Tibetans and Uyghurs
Researchers from Lookout have uncovered two new surveillance campaigns, BadBazaar and MOONSHINE, targeting Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China and abroad.
Lookout Discovers Hundreds of Predatory Loan Apps on Google Play and Apple App Store
Researchers at Lookout have discovered close to 300 mobile loan applications on Google Play and the Apple App Store that exhibit predatory behavior.
MOONSHINE: Evolving Android Surveillanceware by Chinese APT POISON CARP To Target Tibetans and Uyghurs
MOONSHINE is a family of Android surveillanceware that is attributed to the Chinese-backed hacking group POISON CARP, also known as Evil Eye and Earth Empusa.