July 14, 2016
When & How to Go Beyond EMM to Ensure Secure Enterprise Mobility

Gartner recently published a new research report called, "When and How to Go Beyond EMM to Ensure Secure Enterprise Mobility.*" It's the first Gartner report that goes in depth into the Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) category, and I believe it delivers three key insights that show the value of MTD solutions, specifically when they are integrated with an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution to deliver holistic enterprise mobile security.
In this report, I believe that Gartner clearly shows how MTD solutions are unique in their ability to detect malware, app, and platform vulnerabilities. The report also shows how MTD and EMM solutions together are more than the sum of their parts.
Below are what I believe to be the three key insights from this research:
Key insight 1: EMM is not mobile security
"“There is usually an underlying misconception that EMM equates to mobile security.*”"
Gartner: When and How to Go Beyond EMM to Ensure Secure Enterprise Mobility, Manjunath Bhat & Dionisio Zumerle, June 2016
EMM solutions are important for managing a mobile device fleet, and they enable security by protecting against crimes of opportunity such as targeting an employee that uses an unlocked smartphone, for example. However, they are inadequate for detecting, analyzing, and responding to mobile attacks.
The reason that an MTD solution is critical to the success of your company's overall security program is because of the threat detection capabilities that enable you to protect sensitive company data on mobile devices and the networks to which they connect, including protection against:
- Network attacks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks
- Malicious apps
- Non-compliant apps, apps that may not be inherently malicious, but handle data in a way that is not in compliance with enterprise internal or regulatory policies
- Vulnerabilities in apps and device operating systems
- Compromised (rooted, jailbroken) device operating systems
The reason MTD is important now is because employees access corporate data via mobile devices, which causes adversaries to turn their attention to these unsecured devices and the valuable credentials and data they hold.
Malware attacks, jailbroken devices, sideloaded applications, and apps that leak data (without being malicious) all make the list of mobile security challenges that many organizations have zero visibility into, or protection against.
Only an MTD solution like Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security can deliver visibility into and protection from mobile threats.
Key insight 2: EMM and MTD are better together
"“The synergy between EMM and MTD tools allow for risk mitigation based on real-time information and intelligence sharing.*”"
Gartner: When and How to Go Beyond EMM to Ensure Secure Enterprise Mobility, Manjunath Bhat & Dionisio Zumerle, June 2016
In the report Gartner proposes a "Three-Part Approach to Secure Enterprise Mobility," where the final stage is, "Synergize." There is a headline in this section that explains what that means clearly: "EMM and MTD - Where The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts.*"
The reason that Lookout has partnered with and built product integrations with Microsoft Intune, VMware AirWatch, and MobileIron is that EMM and MTD are better together. In the words of the report's authors, "Mobile security tools complement an EMM by detecting malware or identifying suspicious behavior and potentially leaky applications. EMM then applies suitable policies to respond to the threat by either uninstalling the app, blocking access or selectively wiping the device.*"
The takeaway from this insight is that if your organization is already invested in mobile, to the point that you've deployed an EMM solution, then evaluating MTD solutions is a logical next step.
Key insight 3: Four industries have the most to gain from MTD
"“Enterprises that have reasons to be concerned about being targeted by advanced threats, or that need their mobile workforce to have additional protection over untrusted networks, should consider and possibly trial these solutions.*”"
Gartner: When and How to Go Beyond EMM to Ensure Secure Enterprise Mobility, Manjunath Bhat & Dionisio Zumerle, June 2016
The report specifically mentions, "Typical verticals will be finance, healthcare, government and energy,*" as those that should take a close look at MTD. The primary driver here is the unique capability of some MTD solutions to detect zero-day threats.
Regulated industries are often the first to adopt security solutions for new technology form factors, and mobile is proving to be no different. Read this case study to learn what mobile threats a Fortune 500 company in the financial services industry discovered when they deployed Lookout to 10,000 mobile devices.
Last Thoughts Mobile threat defense solutions complement EMM, and are being deployed by some of the world's largest and most security focused companies because the mobile threat landscape is getting larger and more sophisticated every day.
Organizations that continue to use EMM exclusively are operating with a mobile security gap. The report's authors even note the exact size of the gap, "Through 2020, the combined security capabilities of mobile platforms and EMM solutions will meet 80% of enterprise mobile security requirements.*"
This is like an architect saying, "The combined surfaces of your walls and flooring meet 80% of the exterior requirements for your home." It sounds good, but you'll still need a roof, otherwise even a light rain will damage the valuables inside your metaphorical house.
The bottom line is that if your organization has high value assets being accessed via mobile or any concern of a targeted attack, you should consider a mobile threat defense solution.
*When and How to Go Beyond EMM to Ensure Secure Enterprise Mobility, Manjunath Bhat & Dionisio Zumerle, June 2016©2016 GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner, Inc., When and How to Go Beyond EMM to Ensure Secure Enterprise Mobility, Manjunath Bhat, Dionisio Zumerle, 10 June 2016. The Gartner Report(s) described herein, (the "Gartner Report(s)") represent(s) research opinion or viewpoints published, as part of a syndicated subscription service, by Gartner, Inc. ("Gartner"), and are not representations of fact. Each Gartner Report speaks as of its original publication date (and not as of the date of this Prospectus) and the opinions expressed in the Gartner Report(s) are subject to change without notice.

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