What is Mobile Threat Defense (MTD)?

BYOD policies are table stakes in today’s workplace, and cyber attackers have taken note. Discover how mobile threat defense can help secure your organization.

As mobile devices and corporate bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies gain popularity, mobile threat defense (MTD) has become a critical part of a holistic security strategy. Threat actors have adapted their methods for the mobile age and have evolved new tactics to specifically target mobile devices. MTD solutions provide continuous protection of mobile devices, regardless of where they’re being used or whether or not they’re online at a given time. In this glossary page, we’ll define mobile threat defense, explore its benefits, and investigate the future of this critical category of security.

Defining mobile threat defense (MTD)

Mobile threat defense is a security strategy dedicated to detecting, analyzing, and mitigating threats against mobile devices in real time. It covers a range of cybersecurity categories, including application security, network security, and device security. 

While strategies like mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM) are already popular, MTD takes mobile device security even further. In addition to blocking cyber threats, MTD can quarantine devices to prevent attacks from escalating, alert users and security teams when breaches do occur, and automatically remediate certain critical issues and vulnerabilities.

Key features of mobile threat defense solutions

Mobile threat defense typically combines a number of features that aim to protect mobile devices from every angle. These are the most important features to look for in an MTD solution:

Real-time threat detection

Real-time threat detection is the core feature of any MTD solution. It immediately identifies and responds to security breaches like malware installations or unauthorized access attempts. Finding a threat the moment it arises is much more powerful than responding after the damage is done.

Application security

Application security features allow MTD solutions to monitor the behavior of apps installed on mobile devices in order to detect anomalies and enforce security policies. This practice focuses on analyzing app-based vulnerabilities and implementing controls when appropriate. 

Network security

The network security layer is how MTD solutions monitor network traffic and identify potential threats like malicious apps or phishing attacks. These features employ intrusion prevention and vulnerability management strategies to detect and respond to threats effectively, ensuring the protection of sensitive data inside the network.

Device security

Device security features are focused on protecting the mobile device as a whole. Common device security strategies include vulnerability management, intrusion prevention, and endpoint protection to guard against mobile malware and data loss.

How mobile threat defense works

Mobile threat defense uses advanced algorithms to detect and analyze mobile threats in real time. This proactive approach safeguards mobile endpoints from cyber threats, protecting sensitive data and user privacy.

Threat detection and analysis

Threat detection and analysis tools continuously monitor network traffic, app behavior, and device activities. This allows the solution to swiftly recognize malicious activities and potential risks using machine learning (ML) algorithms.

Threat mitigation strategies

Taking a proactive approach to mobile device security is a powerful way to minimize potential fallout and effectively thwart attacks. Common threat mitigation strategies include regular security updates, strong encryption protocols, and intrusion prevention systems.

Integration with mobile device management (MDM)

Many modern mobile threat defense solutions now integrate with mobile device management (MDM) systems for enhanced security management. This integration allows for centralized control over mobile endpoints, ensuring policy adherence and boosting security. 

Benefits of implementing mobile threat defense

Using mobile threat defense unlocks many important security benefits all at the same time. Here are the most important ways securing your organization’s mobile devices with MTD can benefit not just your security team but also your bottom line:

Enhanced data protection

MTD solutions use advanced threat intelligence and security measures to guard against mobile malware, phishing, and data loss. At the same time, robust vulnerability management and incident response features protect sensitive information on personal and corporate devices from cyber threats. 

Improved compliance

MTD solutions monitor mobile devices, alerting and providing remediation for security incidents and policy violations to maintain a secure environment, reducing vulnerabilities and improving overall security effectiveness. In this sense, MTD also streamlines the path to achieving and maintaining compliance with established industry best practices and regulatory standards.

Increased employee productivity

MTD enhances employee productivity in mobile work environments by enabling more secure and effective BYOD policies. It ensures data security on mobile devices, allowing for seamless work on preferred devices like smartphones or tablets.

Cost savings

MTD automates threat detection, using advanced technologies like AI and ML to monitor and analyze mobile device activity around the clock. This automation improves efficiency, accuracy, and resource allocation. MTD also helps prevent financial losses from data breaches and all the fines, legal expenses, and reputational damage that can ensue.

The future of mobile threat defense

It’s safe to assume that the more technology evolves, attackers will adapt to keep pace. The mobile security landscape is ripe with innovation; here are some of the future-focused developments already helping security professionals today:

AI and machine learning in MTD

AI and machine learning (ML) enable MTD solutions to continuously learn from data, in turn detecting anomalies and predicting future threats with greater accuracy. By automating threat response processes with these advanced technologies, organizations can save time and resources while bolstering their mobile security. 

Integration with zero-trust security models

Zero-trust models prioritize verification over trust, implementing strict access controls and authentication at every user interaction point. In turn, zero-trust integrated MTD solutions continuously monitor device activity, network traffic, and application behavior to detect and respond to security breaches in real time.

Advanced threat intelligence

Advanced threat intelligence is vital for MTD to detect and respond to sophisticated cyberattacks. For example, Lookout Threat Intelligence draws from the world’s largest mobile data set to track threat actors, discover mobile malware, and provide comprehensive protection.

Staying ahead with mobile threat defense

BYOD policies seem here to stay, so the more quickly and effectively your organization implements effective mobile security strategies, the better. As cyberattacks on mobile devices increase, mobile threat defense supports a proactive approach to mobile security. Taking a holistic approach to protecting your organization's mobile devices can increase productivity, streamline compliance, and lead to a stronger overall security posture. To learn more about how to enhance your mobile data protection strategy, download our free e-book The Mobile EDR Playbook: Key Questions for Protecting Your Data.

The Mobile EDR Playbook: Key Questions for Protecting Your Data

Book a personalized, no-pressure demo today to learn:
  • How adversaries are leveraging avenues outside traditional email to conduct phishing on iOS and Android devices
  • Real-world examples of phishing and app threats that have compromised organizations
  • How an integrated endpoint-to-cloud security platform can detect threats and protect your organization

Mobile devices reshape work, but also bring new risks. Are you safeguarding your people and data? Discover answers in our e-book—assess your mobile threat readiness now!

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Book a personalized, no-pressure demo today to learn:

The Mobile EDR Playbook: Key Questions for Protecting Your Data

Mobile devices reshape work, but also bring new risks. Are you safeguarding your people and data? Discover answers in our e-book—assess your mobile threat readiness now!

  • How adversaries are leveraging avenues outside traditional email to conduct phishing on iOS and Android devices
  • Real-world examples of phishing and app threats that have compromised organizations
  • How an integrated endpoint-to-cloud security platform can detect threats and protect your organization