Justin Albrecht
Justin Albrecht is the Global Director of Mobile Threat Intelligence. He works with his team to uncover new mobile threats, track actors and targets, and provide accurate research and reporting on these issues. Justin has over 20 years of experience tracking cyber threat actors, terrorists, and intelligence activities in both the intelligence community, and more recently as a member of Lookout’s Threat Intelligence Team.
My Articles
BadBazaar: iOS and Android Surveillanceware by China’s APT15 Used to Target Tibetans and Uyghurs
Researchers from Lookout have uncovered two new surveillance campaigns, BadBazaar and MOONSHINE, targeting Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China and abroad.
Lookout Attributes Advanced Android Surveillanceware to Chinese Espionage Group APT41
Lookout researchers discover advanced Android surveillanceware tied to Chinese espionage group APT41 known to target a wide range of public and private sector organizations.
Lookout Discovers Android Spyware Tied to Iranian Police Targeting Minorities: BouldSpy
Researchers at the Lookout Threat Lab have discovered a new Android surveillance tied to the Law Enforcement Command of the Islamic Republic of Iran (FARAJA).
MOONSHINE: Evolving Android Surveillanceware by Chinese APT POISON CARP To Target Tibetans and Uyghurs
MOONSHINE is a family of Android surveillanceware that is attributed to the Chinese-backed hacking group POISON CARP, also known as Evil Eye and Earth Empusa.
Lookout Uncovers Hermit Spyware Deployed in Kazakhstan
Lookout researchers have uncovered enterprise-grade Android surveillanceware used by the government of Kazakhstan within its borders.
Lookout Takes Down Phishing Scams Targeting U.S. Military Families
Lookout researchers looking into phishing campaign that has actively targeted families of United States military personnel.
New Spyware Used by Sextortionists | iOS/Android Blackmail
The Lookout Threat Intelligence team has discovered a new mobile app threat targeting iOS and Android users in Chinese speaking countries, Korea and Japan.
Why Should You Care About APTs and Nation-State Attacks?
APTs aren’t just the concerns of national governments. See why private enterprises need to pay attention to these threat actors and their campaigns.
New Spyware Used by Sextortionists | iOS/Android Blackmail
The Lookout Threat Intelligence team has discovered a new mobile app threat targeting iOS and Android users in Chinese speaking countries, Korea and Japan.