Secure Hybrid Work and Data with Security That Can Go Everywhere

Hybrid work has challenged IT to keep workers secure and productive. Empower your hybrid workforce with security policies and tools that improve worker productivity and reduce security risk for your organization.

Your attack surface is sprawling.

Over 50% of remote workers take risks like sharing confidential files over mobile and IoT devices.

The global average for phishing encounters due to the increase in employee productivity apps.
Of security leaders think they’ll endure a ransomware attack within a year. The other 43% are optimists.
Of personal and enterprise mobile devices were targeted by phishing attacks at least four times in 2022.
60 Minutes
Lookout SSE can be deployed in 60 minutes or less.

Point products means more management, poor experiences.

Having multiple entry points for different apps and data require multiple agents, disparate policies and mundane day to day management.

Restrictive IT security limits your workers’ potential.

Hybrid work can put enterprise data at risk, but preventing the use of unmanaged devices lowers the end user experience and decreases productivity.

Threats to private apps have changed in a hybrid world

The limited protection VPNs once provided is no longer adequate to keep your organization safe.

Hybrid work adds flexibility, but also risk. With attack surfaces increasing, your applications and users are more vulnerable exposing your data. There’s even more need for visibility and control that goes beyond the old perimeter.

a man using a laptop

Today, digital information moves without boundaries or limits. Get security that moves with it.

Woman smiling and looking at a computer screen

See first hand what unified data protection really looks like.

Colleagues sharing a joke around a meeting table. There are laptops with graphs visible on the table

Start protecting the future of your data by connecting with our team.

Colleagues discussing work while looking at a laptop

Uncover blind spots and insights with a free risk assessment.